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UFOs are Physical Objects, Often Metallic
This case aims to provide evidence that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are physical entities, frequently described as metallic. The evidence includes scientific analyses, credible eyewitness testimonies, and government/military reports that describe UFOs as physical, often metallic objects.
Medical science has been entirely corrupted by big pharma
This is my description
The Scottish Covid Enquiry
Here are the transcripts and videos of the Scottish Covid Inquiry
The Research Cartel
This case will explore the concept of a 'Research Cartel,' where a small group controls the majority of academic research, funding, and publications. We'll examine evidence and arguments for and against this idea, including its impact on scientific progress, diversity of thought, and innovation.
Ivermectin works as a treatment for Covid-19 and was campaigned against by the pharmaceutical industry who instead wanted to sell novel and less effective therapeutics
Key data on Ivermectin was literally altered by people informally working for the pharmaceutical industry. The drug posed a threat to the profits of novel products which those same people were researching and pushing through the regulatory process at the same time.
NSA Spying and Disinformation Capabilities - The Edward Snowden Leaks
Edward Snowden leaked thousands of documents to the media, proving the NSA had incredible powers to spy on American and international citizens. The documents changed the NSA from conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact. The documents in this case are all the documents made public by the media outlets who worked on the story, and they make the case for the incredible power of the NSA.
Signal Intelligence Today - the Edward Snowden Leaks
SIDtoday is the internal newsletter for the NSA's most important division, the Signals Intelligence Directorate. The Intercept released four years' worth of newsletters in batches, starting with 2003, after editorial review. You can read our SIDtoday reporting and browse the documents online here. This repository contains SIDtoday articles released by The Intercept, in PDF format and organized by year.
The Banks vision for CBDCs
This case collects as much data as possible on the vision the central banks have for launching digital currencies, sometimes known as Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDCs
Cancer and Covid Vaccine
Is the Covid vaccine causing the rise in turbo cancers?
Satoshi Nakamoto's vision for Bitcoin
This case contains all the writing we have from the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto
P-diddy sexual assault court documents
P-Diddy has been accused of sexual assault in several filed court documents. This case provides those documents in an easy to read format.
Adverse effects of marijuana use
This article reviews recent literature regarding adverse effects of marijuana use.